
Poster for In Flux senior design capstone exhibition at Future 23 showcase with exhibition in the background


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Meet the next generation of creatives at Future24, where innovation meets creativity, and the future unfolds before your eyes. Future24 is a series of events that will take place over the course of a week, showcasing work from students across all SDCT disciplines.

Adraint Bereal
Event Status
AHG 1.308

SDCT alum Adraint Bereal visits campus to share his story and give real-world advice to students.

SDCT invites you to the LIM Open House series, Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00pm in DFA 4.126
Event Status
DFA 4.126

Learn about the Lab for Immersive Media and its LIMitless possibilities.

SDCT invites you to the LIM Open House series, Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00pm in DFA 4.126
Event Status
DFA 4.126

Learn about the Lab for Immersive Media and its LIMitless possibilities.